Jenifa’s Diary is a comedy television series that depicts the hilarious and amazing adventures of Suliat, a.k.a Jenifa.
A secondary school dropout turned hairdresser who lives in a backwater town called Aiyetoro.
Jenifa is loud, over-bearing and very opinionated. She nurses the ambition of leaving her community and making something of herself. She is always trying to prove her worth and wants to be recognized and ‘feel among’.
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Her competitive spirit with her peers comes to the forefront when she realizes many of her friends in Aiyetoro are in higher institutions. Jenifa is motivated to leave her community and pursue her dream of attending a higher institution and becoming a huge success and to enhance her status in Aiyetoro.
The fun you had watching previous seasons of Jenifas Diary is nothing compared with the one the one in Season 8 featuring the famous Tiwa savage,