Research On Teenage Pregnacy


Research On Teenage Pregnacy This chapter is focused on the summary of results, findings, conclusions and recommendations based on the research. Summary This study was designed to find out the factors that enhance teenage pregnancy among secondary school students in Ugbowo community. A lot of literatures were reviewed on the various factors that can enhance teenage pregnancy such as broken homes and complicated families, peer pressure, lack of sex education, mass media, poverty and adverse life circumstances, cultural beliefs, parental roles, as well as the consequences of teenage pregnancy which are based on the educational, medical, socio-economic and psychological implications of teenage pregnancy. The research design employed was a survey research design, using simple random sampling technique in selecting the students used for the study in three secondary schools. i. Federal government girl�s college, Ugbowo ii. Russell international high school, BDPA iii. Edo boys college, Adolor The population of this study consisted of senior secondary school students between the ages of 11 � 20 years in Ugbowo community, while the method of data collection was a structured questionnaire with twenty (20) items and two sections A and B. The sample consisted of One Hundred and Fifty (150) respondents drawn from the population, while data obtained was analyzed using simple percentages, frequency counts and table to answer the five research questions designed for the study. Findings In view of the collected analyzed data, the following findings were made; i. It was revealed that majority of the respondents have heard of teenage pregnancy. ii. A higher number of students have been advised by their friends to have sex before. iii. Many teenagers are lured into sexual activities because of money and other provisional materials. iv. High number of students lack sex education from both the home and the school which as lead to an increased number of unawareness among students toward teenage pregnancy. v. Teenage students see pregnancy out of wedlock as a disruption to their life aspirations. vi. Majority of the students concurred to the fact that they read and watch pornographic content, although there are not been permitted by their parents and some are unaware due to the fact that they neglect the child�s social activities. vii. Parents involvement in protecting their children against teenage pregnancy will go a long way preventing high pregnancy rate. viii. A higher number of students are not aware of the consequences of teenage pregnancy. ix. An average number of teenagers are already sexually active. Conclusion In view of the findings, the researcher concludes that factors that enhance teenage pregnancy among secondary school students in Ugbowo community are issues of great concern, which ought to be tactically prevented. However, it is interesting to know that students are aware of teenage pregnancy and some have already started practicing against the knowledge of their parents, yet, it is quite encouraging that some teenagers. Recommendations From the established findings and conclusion above, these recommendations were made; i. Students should be provided with vital information on what teenage pregnancy entails which will help in providing solution to the possible causes and adverse effects of teenage pregnancy. ii. Students should develop a sense of self esteem, self assertiveness and confidence to deal with pressures from peers toward their engagement in sexual activities. iii. Efforts should be prevent teenage pregnancy by providing adequate knowledge and provision of promotional programmes, which includes seminars and workshops organized by deferral Ministry of Health, inviting parents, schools heads, teachers and students. iv. Strict measures should be adopted to those adolescents found on the street prostituting and orientation should be provided to encourage tem to acquire appropriate skills and acquisition in terms of poor economic background. v. The home, school and society should provide students with adequate sex education, so that they are well informed and make valued decisions towards sex. vi. Movies should be restrained with more rigid viewer, ratings, warning labels and theater ID checks, to help reduce young viewers being exposed sexually. vii. Parents should provide their child with adequate love, care and attention putting into consideration the social and economic life of their children. viii. The knowledge of the consequences of teenage pregnancy should be induced into the minds of the teenagers by creating awareness against sex before marriage. ix. Family planning services should be introduced into schools so that those that are sexually active can gain access to family planning services, irrespective of their marital status. x. All secondary schools should have guidance and counseling units, to help students with related sex issues which will go a long way to parents teenage pregnancies. xi. Family planning services should be introduced into schools so that those that are sexually active can gain access to family planning services, irrespective of their martial status.