Problem Of Teenage Pregnancy


Problem Of Teenage Pregnancy It has been observed that teenage pregnancy has remained persistent in our local communities due to the various contributing factors which have had negative impacts on the lives of the teenagers involved. The problem of teenage pregnancy is a major one which a lot of young girls face today due to sheer ignorance, poverty, peer influence, parental neglect, media, broken homes, economic implications and lack of information or sexuality. Having encountered early teenage pregnancy, the result is total rejection and destabilization of the conceived teenager�s life aspirations. This study is therefore concerned with the identification of the factors that enhance teenage pregnancy among secondary schools in Ugbowo community, as well as exploring various strategies through which it can be avoided with the aim of providing remedies to this social stigma, and to the incidence to teenage pregnancy in Ugbowo community, Nigeria. Research Questions This study will attempt to answer the following questions: 1. Will peer influence lead to teenage pregnancy among secondary school students in Ugbowo community? 2. Will lack of parental love and care lead to teenage pregnancy? 3. Will watching of pornographic films and magazines lead to teenage pregnancy? 4. Will poverty lead to teenage pregnancy? 5. Will lack of sex education and information lead to teenage pregnancy? Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to identify and critically examine various factors that influences and contributes to the incidence of teenage pregnancy in secondary schools today. Significance of the Study The significance of this study, when completed and properly disseminated includes the followings: 1. To provide vital information on the possible causes and adverse effects of teenage pregnancy, which is very vital in providing lasting solution to problems. 2. To assist secondary schools in Ugbowo community in identifying and assessing various contributing factors of teenage pregnancy as well as enabling them to develop strategies for alienating it. 3. To provide adequate information to schools in Ugbowo community under study, concerning the various methods that can be used to avoid or prevent teenage pregnancy, which could lead to school dropout among those involved. This will go a long way in helping the student accomplish their educational and career prospects. 4. To help policy planner and organizers to know the necessary factors to take into considerations when formulating and implementing policies and programmes designed to sensitize children and teenagers on the implications of sexual activity before the age of 20. 5. To assist other researchers who may be interested in carrying out further investigation on this topic. Moreso, it would help stimulate and draw government attention, as well as private agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), interested towards the issues of teenage pregnancy and how it can be tackled, prevented and reduced to the bearest minimum. Delimitation This study is an overview of factors that enhances teenage pregnancy among secondary school students in Ugbowo community. Secondary schools intended to be covered includes; in Ugbowo community include: 1. Federal government girls� college, Ugbowo, Benin city. 2. Edo Boys high school, Adolor 3. Russell International College, BDPA For adequate collection of data, the senior secondary school would be used between SS1 � SS3 of the above students. Limitation of the Study The success of any research study of this nature depends greatly on the cooperation of those involved that will serve as respondents to volunteer information and their ability to give adequate responses to all the questions that will be raised. This first major problem that may constitute limitation to this study is human apathy, that is, the feeling of not being interested in this and becoming enthusiastic about the study and the misunderstanding on the part of the respondents who believe that the investigation is meant to intrude into their personal social life, so as to find fault with it.