Poverty and Adverse Life Circumstances Can Cause Teenage Pregnacy


Poverty and Adverse Life Circumstances Can Cause Teenage Pregnacy Another widely acclaimed factor of teenage pregnancy is inadequate parental care consequent upon the hard economic situation in the country has left many homes without normal cares and affection for their children. Fajobi (1985) asserted that teenagers of poor economic status are mostly involved in this social problem of teenage pregnancy. According to him, their parents cannot afford the financial involvement for their maintenance at home or school. He further stressed the increasing number of school drop out which has strong correlation to teenage pregnancy could be attributed to poverty. This shows that many girls are forced to fend for themselves early in life and take up jobs as waitresses in hotels and receptionists in business centers etc. This exposes them to men constantly. Ifechi (1983) observed that visit to the five star hostels all over the country in recent time will produce shocks in an individual. This is because the road leading to them are heavily infected with teenage girl soliciting for love and money. They are literally desperate for patronage. Any motor car that comes along is invaded with places and assurances of the sexual satisfaction. The teenagers find alternative means of providing for themselves by moving and receiving gifts from older men who in turn have sexual relations with which may results to pregnancy Poverty leads to teenage pregnancy sometimes, young girls are traced to engage sex with as a means of paying debts which parents borrowed from and promise to pay back or give their daughters under thirteen to fourteen years I marriage. In most cases, this is done without the consent of the child and some parents are so poor that they cannot afford to pay for the education of their children. In such cases, where financial is limited the boys are given preference since they will inherit their parent and keep the family name and the girls are married out early to provide money for the education of the boys. Moreover, teenage girls are slaves to material value. They sleep around with men to earn money to meet up with their material needs, particularly the fashion wears in tune with time. Olanika (2002) advised that ladies should not forget that they have ignite and reputation to maintain. That as future mothers, they should start to cultivate decency right from their teenage years. When consequences of adolescent or teenage pregnancy are discussed, the economic perspective comes into play also. According to Singh (1999) the adverse social and economic consequences for an adolescent girl who becomes pregnant and delivers a baby will depend on her particular mutual cultural family and community situation. The high risks of the immediate and long term health status of the mother and child are tied to economic power, because adequate healthcare and good nutrition require money. In addition, the young mother will invariably drop out of school and any opportunities for further education will be curtailed. She is also likely to be unmarried and to become over-dependent on her family for economic support. Her lifetime opportunities for self advancement will have been seriously damaged by act of early motherhood. In summary, it can be seen that in all the literature review there is a consensus that teenage or adolescent pregnancy has serious social and economic consequences for both male and female victims. However, the blame is borne more by girls because while the boys can deny paternity (giving rise to the incidence disappearing fathers) the girls cannot hide the protruding stomach. The consequences includes school drop-out, reduction in economic power and inability to achieve one�s full potential in life.